Hello! I'm Janackeh (pronounced Jan-uh-kuh) and I love creating, fostering and engaging in community. I am passionate about connection, real relationships and sharing resources with others!
Starting Over When You've Already Started Over · The non-traditional tech journey is everything but a straight line. After completing 2 SWE boot camps...
Part 1 · Navigating the online community space as a new community builder and manager is a vast and sometimes vague place to be. You yearn for connection...
When you finish a bootcamp, complete a degree program or simply feel like you’re ready on your self taught (or community taught) journey, it’s time to...
You may have heard people talk about coffee chats and how valuable they can be to your career journey. A coffee chat is basically a virtual meeting to...
Getting Started and Staying Confident · There’s a lot of online talk about transitioning careers from other industries into tech. You may have seen...
FInding Community on Your Tech Journey · In self-taught and technical boot camp learning models, it is easy to feel alone, lost and like you are studying...